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How To Silk Screen Printing On Glass?2023-03-24 14:55:37

Silkscreen printing on glass involves applying ink through a fine mesh screen to create a design on the glass surface. Here are the steps to follow:

Materials you'll need:

Glass surface to print on
Silkscreen frame and mesh (the mesh size depends on the design and ink you'll use)
Ink (glass-specific ink)
Masking tape or vinyl stencils (to block out areas you don't want to print)
Emulsion or film for creating the stencil
Light source (to expose the emulsion)
Water and a scrub brush

1.Prepare the design: Create your design and transfer it to the silkscreen frame using a stencil or emulsion. If using emulsion, coat the frame with emulsion and let it dry. Then place your design on top of the emulsion and expose it to light, following the manufacturer's instructions. After exposure, rinse the frame with water to reveal the design.
2.Prep the glass: Clean the glass surface you want to print on and let it dry.
3.Set up the silkscreen frame: Place the silkscreen frame on top of the glass surface, ensuring it's straight and properly aligned.
4.Apply the ink: Place a generous amount of ink at the top edge of the silkscreen frame, above the design. Use the squeegee to push the ink down and across the design, applying even pressure to ensure the ink goes through the mesh and onto the glass.
5.Remove the silkscreen frame: Lift the silkscreen frame away from the glass surface, being careful not to smudge the ink. Allow the ink to dry on the glass.
6.Clean up: After printing, clean the silkscreen frame and squeegee with water and a scrub brush. If the ink has dried on the frame, you may need to use a screen cleaning solution.
7.Cure the ink: Depending on the ink you used, you may need to cure the ink in a kiln or by air-drying it for several days.

Note: Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for all the materials you use. Additionally, keep in mind that silkscreen printing on glass can be challenging, and it may take some practice to achieve the desired results.